The documentation for the JavaScript library Dropzone.
Dropzone is a simple JavaScript library that helps you add file drag and drop functionality to your web forms. It is one of the most popular drag and drop library on the web and is used by millions of people.
There are many configuration options, so Dropzone can be used in a variety of situations.
Some of Dropzone's highlights are:
Beautiful by default.
Image thumbnail previews. Simply register the callback
thumbnail(file, data)
and display the image wherever you like
Progress Bars
Retina enabled
Multiple files and synchronous uploads
Support for large files
Chunked uploads (single files can be uploaded as chunks in multiple HTTP requests)
Complete theming. The look and feel of Dropzone is just the default theme. You
can define everything yourself by overwriting the default event listeners.
Browser image resizing (resize the images before you upload them to your
Well tested
Last updated
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